Zar sucks balls too
2 Zar thought no one was on and tried to raid us. I logged a monk AA and pwned some tank and some dragon. They said i run gunned too xD. Gotta love 2 shot then run.
View ArticleDV sucks balls
Owned morg one on one on prairies and then they raid with 4 vs me alone couldn't do shit almost had boss kill one before i died from being counter/dispelled/cursed/critted by two scythers
I'M SO BORED! i HATE sundays, especially ones where my computer has crashed! > sundays are my lazy day... i'm always in a lazy mood, so i don't do anything exciting and laze/lounge/watch movies etc,...
View ArticleDv piss me off...
Me and Psy get ready for us 2 vs 3 DV, we're just about to start the pvp when all 3 of them relog counter builds so they can outnumber AND fight us with counters, in this case they went Barbpm Bardpm...
View ArticleOh my god this is confusing..
I..........Have no idea where to begin on HoW.....Fuck it..
View Articlecheck it fools
new DeX forums for anyone interested.. dungeoneternalx freeforums org (add periods)
View ArticleWhat you call a Lysan with different colored socks?
Why a gender confused fascist with paranoid schizofrenia of course! Since I'm concidered a "criminal" for irratating Lysan I haven't played on HoW for a very long time now. Probably never will again,...
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